Do you ever feel like all you do is nag and yell at your kids? Many times it is hard to remain positive when fighting through the day. I have a little nugget of info that will help you to be positive while parenting kids of all ages!!


As a teacher I’ve always felt that behavior management is one of my strengths. Over the years it’s looked different but at the end of the day my kids accomplish what’s needed to be done and everyone stays safe. I’ve used a variety of things in my classroom to support behavior management. I’ve used bribes like skittles or stickers, behavior charts, threats, punishment, a clip chart, and the list could go on and on. At home I’ve done many of the same things. At one point my daughter was going through a very difficult time. The simplest tasks like being nice to us were extremely difficult for her. So, we rewarded her for doing things she should be doing like being nice to mommy and daddy. We bribed with stickers and prizes. We played the game and she won!

Here’s the thing, rewarding my daughter for doing things that she was supposed to be doing didn’t sound right. Everywhere you look people are telling you to do different things. Reward, punish, do a behavior chart, take stuff away, and let me tell you it just didn’t sit right with me but for lack of something better to do that’s what we did. We rewarded our daughter for being nice to mommy and daddy. She was given things for doing things she should already be doing.

The Solution

As a teacher and as a parent I am always looking for ways to grow, ways to do things better, ways to make life easier. I heard about a book called Parenting With Love and Logic. Guys, this book has changed my everything. My teaching, my parenting ,the way I feel about myself, and I could go on! This book and the strategies in it have been life changing. This is the stuff that we should be learning in college as educators but instead they tell us about flip charts or positive reinforcement. They tell you about things that I work for 95% of the kids that are in your class but what about the other five. What about the kids that are hitting each other causing such chaos in your classroom that you go home and cry every night? What do you do with them? This book lays it out!

If you are looking for a solution, this is it!! It doesn’t matter how old your child is. If you need help, I’d read this book!

I checked out this book from my local library but you can also find it on AMAZON on on the LOVE AND LOGIC site.

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